Iowa State University

NOTE: Click on each session to see individual speaker names, affiliations, presentation titles, and abstracts.

List of Plenary Speakers is HERE

List of All Speakers in ALPHABETICAL ORDER is HERE

Saturday, October 19th, 2019
08:00 - 08:45 Registration Hoover Hall
08:45 - 09:00 Opening remarks by ISU Officials and SIAM CSS Officers 2055 Hoover Hall
09:00 - 09:45 Plenary-01: Béatrice Rivière, Rice University
High Order Methods for Multiphase Flows in Porous Media

Introduction by Jue Yan
2055 Hoover Hall
09:45 - 10:15 Coffee Break 305 Carver Hall
10:20 - 11:40 MiniSymp-01: Numerical Methods and Stability of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems (Y. Guo and B. Yu) 202 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-02: Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Multiphysics Problems (H. Lee and T.-T.-P. Hoang) 204 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-04: Inverse Problems for PDEs: Algorithms, Analysis and Applications (D.-L. Nguyen and L. Nguyen) 232 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-06: Recent Developments of Adaptive Mesh Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Applications (W. Huang and M. Sulman) 290 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-07: Efficient Algorithms for Simulation and Quantification of Data-Driven and Uncertain Models (M. Ganesh and R. Tipireddy) 274 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-08: Recent Advances in Developing Numerical Methods for Interface Problems (R. Guo and X. Zhang) 282 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-09: Recent Development in Numerical PDEs and their Applications (P. Yin and S. Luo) 205 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-10: Control, Stability and Asymptotic Behavior of Coupled PDE (S. Hansen and P.G. Geredeli) 294 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-14: Nonlocal Models: Analysis Aspects (C. Wright and P. Radu) 268 Carver Hall
11:40 - 13:30 Lunch on your own
13:35 - 14:20 Plenary-02: Andrea Bertozzi, UCLA
Graphical Models in Machine Learning, Networks, and Uncertainty Quantification

Introduction by Hailiang Liu
2055 Hoover Hall
14:40 - 16:00 MiniSymp-01: Numerical Methods and Stability of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems (Y. Guo and B. Yu) 202 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-02: Recent Advances in Numerical Methods for Multiphysics Problems (H. Lee and T.-T.-P. Hoang) 204 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-04: Inverse Problems for PDEs: Algorithms, Analysis and Applications (D.-L. Nguyen and L. Nguyen) 232 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-06: Recent Developments of Adaptive Mesh Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Applications (W. Huang and M. Sulman) 290 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-07: Efficient Algorithms for Simulation and Quantification of Data-Driven and Uncertain Models (M. Ganesh and R. Tipireddy) 274 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-08: Recent Advances in Developing Numerical Methods for Interface Problems (R. Guo and X. Zhang) 282 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-09: Recent Development in Numerical PDEs and their Applications (P. Yin and S. Luo) 205 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-10: Control, Stability and Asymptotic Behavior of Coupled PDE (S. Hansen and P.G. Geredeli) 294 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-14: Nonlocal Models: Analysis Aspects (C. Wright and P. Radu) 268 Carver Hall
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break 305 Carver Hall
16:40 - 18:00 MiniSymp-03: Recent Development of Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods (J. Yan and Y. Yang) 202 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-04: Inverse Problems for PDEs: Algorithms, Analysis and Applications (D.-L. Nguyen and L. Nguyen) 232 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-05: Recent Advances in Finite Element Methods (X. He and N. Malluwawadu) 204 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-09: Recent Development in Numerical PDEs and their Applications (P. Yin and S. Luo) 205 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-11: Analysis of Coupled PDE Dynamics (P.G. Geredeli and S. Hansen) 294 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-12: Modeling and Analysis in Ecology and Epidemiology (M. Beauregard and R. Parshad) 274 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-13: Highly Accurate Numerical Methods for PDEs and their Analysis (J. Ku and Q. Sheng) 282 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-15: Nonlocal Models: Applied Aspects (P. Radu and C. Wright) 268 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-16: Advances in Techniques for Moment-Closure and Kinetic Models for Transport Phenomena (R. McClarren and J. Rossmanith) 290 Carver Hall
18:30 - 20:30 Conference Dinner at ISU Memorial Union Memorial Union

Sunday, October 20th, 2019
08:30 - 09:00 Registration Hoover Hall
09:00 - 09:45 Plenary-03: Andrew Christlieb, Michigan State University
Addressing Stiff Physics Problems Using a Novel Implicit Solver that has a Computational Complexity Equivalent to Explicit Methods

Introduction by James Rossmanith
2055 Hoover Hall
09:45 - 10:15 Coffee Break 305 Carver Hall
09:45 - 11:40 Poster Session 305 Carver Hall
10:20 - 11:40 MiniSymp-03: Recent Development of Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods (J. Yan and Y. Yang) 202 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-05: Recent Advances in Finite Element Methods (X. He and N. Malluwawadu) 204 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-09: Recent Development in Numerical PDEs and their Applications (P. Yin and S. Luo) 205 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-11: Analysis of Coupled PDE Dynamics (P.G. Geredeli and S. Hansen) 294 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-12: Modeling and Analysis in Ecology and Epidemiology (M. Beauregard and R. Parshad) 274 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-15: Nonlocal Models: Applied Aspects (P. Radu and C. Wright) 268 Carver Hall
MiniSymp-16: Advances in Techniques for Moment-Closure and Kinetic Models for Transport Phenomena (R. McClarren and J. Rossmanith) 290 Carver Hall
12:00 End of Conference

Coordinated by
Iowa State University